The Foundation’s goals

The Paarl Boys’ High Foundation Trust was established to secure the Boishaai standard of excellence for the future. It is an independent entity with the sole goal of funding educational resources for Paarl Boys’ High School. As a registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO 930060724) in terms of the Trust Property Control Act 1988, the Trust is subject to an annual audit.

It has been the work of generations to build the Paarl Boys’ High of today. A school with a handsome campus, talented and committed staff, and myriad opportunities for academic, cultural and sporting success.

It is our duty to carry on this tradition of striving for excellence. Our ambition is to leave behind an even greater treasure to the next generation. To achieve this, we have identified the following areas for investment:

  • Infrastructure improvements
  • Scholarships
  • Academic Fund
  • Resources for development

The Foundation’s support system

Advisory Board – formerly the patrons of BHS 150, the Board of Trustees provides strategic guidance by drawing on their skills and experience 

Founder members – key supporters who make the Foundation’s activities possible 

Class leaders – old boys who represent their year’s classes in liaising with the Foundation and sharing news 

Supporters – each and everyone who gets behind the goal of BHS excellence

The Foundation Trust UK

The United Kingdom chapter of the Paarl Boys’ High Foundation Trust offers a platform for old boys based in the UK to maintain bonds with their alma mater and give back to the school.

The chapter organises get-togethers and is planning various activities so that old boys can stay in touch and make Boishaai memories while raising valuable funds for education.

The Foundation Trust is registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation in the United Kingdom. Donations to the UK Foundation are tax free for individuals.

For more information, email

Message from the founding Director

Over the decades Paarl Boys’ High has contributed significantly to the education of boys who have become leaders in their various fields, not only in South Africa, but throughout the world. For the sake of our country’s future, it is vital that the school continues to produce trailblazers and go-getters, heroes and visionaries. With your support Paarl Boys’ High can continue to meet the challenge of turning today’s learners into tomorrow’s leaders.

As an Old Boy who has been part of the school’s journey for a long time, I feel privileged to have enjoyed the benefits of a first-class education, the camaraderie of the Boishaai community and the opportunities to realise my potential. It is my greatest wish that a new generation of boys may enjoy the same advantages and fulfil their promise. The role of the Paarl Boys’ High Foundation Trust is to safeguard our tradition of excellence for the future.

I invite you to make a difference in the lives of Boishaaiers, our society and our country. Your investment in our shared future will continue to bear fruit for years to come.

About the Foundation 1

Danie Malan
Founding Director
Paarl Boys’ High Foundation Trust